Sunday, May 8, 2011

Weekend With Grandparents and a Hunk

Mason's parents drove out to Utah this weekend to attend their son Brad's graduation from the U of U. While they were here for the 2 days, they attended 3 softball games and one soccer game. (all of which were my children's games). I was driving in the car with my father in law, and he admitted to me..."this weekend I attended more of your children's games than I did for my own 10 children growing up".

It was a beautiful warm/hot weekend. We all got sunburned, but had so much fun.

Connor during half time.

Mason's older brother Brad on the left, and Grandpa and Grandma Shelby's VERY exciting game.

Grandma insisted she get a family picture to send to her son Jon, who is on his mission.

Saturday evening ended with the movie Thor. Yes, the guy is a hunk. After the movie, the women in the restrooms were gushing in the bathroom stalls about how gorgeous Thor is! I have to agree. I didn't think the movie was great, but he sure made my night just looking at him. (but, my husband will always be #1 hunk to me)

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