Saturday, May 21, 2011

Reflections On Connections

Connor asked me today why I love Shelby more. What? I asked alarmed. "Well, you always talk to Shelby like a grown-up."

I had to explain to him, that I have different kinds of conversations with Shelby because she is a lot older and mature. What I have with you Connor is a special relationship that I don't (and never really had) with her. You and I play, rough-house, tickle, run through the house, be silly, goof around, and I smother you with kisses until you just can't take it anymore. Shelby does not like that stuff. I tried it once and she stormed off into her room yelling things at me like "your so annoying Mom".

Being a mother is a wonderful and awesome job. The Lord gave me such different and amazing children.

Connor the sensitive, smart, funny, naughty boy. He is obsessed with time (which trait doesn't come from his father's side of the family). He loves to crack jokes, (being the class clown, will get a kid into trouble A LOT). Connor is sensitive, he will cry every single time at the movie ET. Connor is very sympathetic and shows much empathy for the under-dog. The Lord gave me a huge responsibility when he sent me Connor. Connor is such a complex person...he has so many layers to him. He has been a challenge for me, but I have never ceased to adore him.

I have always felt a very strange and strong connection with him. The moment I found out I was having a boy from the was like our spirits connected in some profound way. When he was born, I sobbed uncontrollably for joy (he was the only child I cried when born). This connection seemed almost unearthly at times. Our spirits seemed so close that when he was young it was almost like "the twin connection". Example: Once I dropped Connor off at a babysitters house for about an hour. When I came back and picked Connor up, the babysitter had a look of shock on her face. I asked her what happened? She said it was the most bizarre thing she had seen. She said about a minute before you pulled up Connor ran to the door with excitement that his mommy was here. She looked out the window and saw nothing. Then moments later I pulled in the driveway.Shelby has always been extreamly mature for her age. She is smart, and very athletic. Shelby and I love to have deep and meaningful conversations. She is a good girl, and always does what she is told. I can depend on her and I trust her. One thing that I have gotten used to is constant praise from all of her school teachers, church leaders, coaches, and people who know her. Raising Shelby has been nothing but a joy. If any parent could dream up the "dream daughter" it would be a daughter like Shelby.

Clover Ann, she is so sweet and cute, but look out here she comes! I just adore her to death. She gets into so much trouble (and if she was my daycare kid, she would have been kicked out), but my love for her trumps anything she does. That little face of hers (little Mason Face), I look at it and I am reminded how much my Heavenly Father must love me.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Weekend With Grandparents and a Hunk

Mason's parents drove out to Utah this weekend to attend their son Brad's graduation from the U of U. While they were here for the 2 days, they attended 3 softball games and one soccer game. (all of which were my children's games). I was driving in the car with my father in law, and he admitted to me..."this weekend I attended more of your children's games than I did for my own 10 children growing up".

It was a beautiful warm/hot weekend. We all got sunburned, but had so much fun.

Connor during half time.

Mason's older brother Brad on the left, and Grandpa and Grandma Shelby's VERY exciting game.

Grandma insisted she get a family picture to send to her son Jon, who is on his mission.

Saturday evening ended with the movie Thor. Yes, the guy is a hunk. After the movie, the women in the restrooms were gushing in the bathroom stalls about how gorgeous Thor is! I have to agree. I didn't think the movie was great, but he sure made my night just looking at him. (but, my husband will always be #1 hunk to me)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Traverse City Visit

For the next severl posts I have split them into sections. I went to Michigan (where I grew up as a child) to visit family and go to my grandma Lutz's funeral. I posted about 15 pictures on Facebook of all the family that was there. We had a great time with so many people. Downtown Traverse City...where we shopped ourselves out! Traverse City is the Cherry Capital of the world. We bought lots of cherry stuff!

My sisters...we had a slumber party every night. It was awesome to be together.

Plane trip home.

Hanging at Grandpa's house. Sisters and me.

Memories Of A Lost Time

Our family walking our old neighborhood

The bay view from our old house

The woods behind our house

Grandpa's old cherry orchards

Grandpa's orchard

Dad and my brother Will

Looking in the old cabin

Hurry take the picture this is heavy

Some Tears...

The funeral home.

The great grandchildren touching grandma's hand, hair, and cheeks. Aunt Karen had to go in the next morning to touch up her make up and hair. So sweet. Grandma would have been pleased.

Cousins and brother Will taking grandma to her grave.

My dad before he dedicated the grave of his mother.

In the blue cart in the back holds the vault cover.

Grandma has been lowered down

The saddest moment....Grandpa in such grief after his bride is lowered.


Here are a couple Easter pictures. I posted some on Facebook, but for family that don't check Facebook I posted these for you.