Thursday, February 24, 2011

Connor Logan

I took a great picture of Connor...I just posted for the heck of it.
He just got his hair cut yesterday, he always looks so good after a good haircut.
I sure love his brown eyes.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bedroom Makeover

When we built our house over 7 years ago, red was popular to paint on your walls. I think that fad is done and over. I really hate it now. I decided to do a makeover on my bedroom.
I didn't take a before I went through some old photos and found this as my before shot.
(pls excuse my dopey husband...literally)
I picked a soft grey for the walls, and black and white pictures and bedding.

I wanted black and white bedding, but I had to compromise
with my husband on this. I still like it, but it was not my first choice. But I think it still works with the look I was going for.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Day Trip to the Children's Museum

Today we went to the Children's Museum with my mom and 2 sisters. This place is perfect for Clover. The entire place is hands on activities.

Cute little construction site, with cranes and large blocks.

They have a little supermarket to buy their food and be the checker.

They have a water table...I found Clover gulping down the water from one of the little cups. I sure hope that it doesn't mean she get diarrhea!

They had stuff to interest big kids like Connor. This is a magnet board with pipes. Connor tries to arrange the pipes on the board so that a small ball can travel through the pipes from top to bottom.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sledding With Mom

Today I decided to take the kids sledding. We had a pretty healthy storm last night, which replinished our melted snow. Clover has never been sledding before. SHE LOVED IT!!!! She loved the tallest and fastest hills. We were there for about 45 minutes and I had to pull her to the car screaming when we were done.

These snow pants I found in a closet, were Connors when he was 3- when we first moved to Utah. They were a little big for her (she is not wearing 3t's yet) but they worked just fine.

Connor said he had so much fun with Mom sledding. I don't really do it much, because it's such a chore to get all the gear on. It just sounds so much more relaxing sitting in a warm car reading my book. But...not today. Connor made a small snow jump and Clover and I tried it out with the sled. We took a bit of air, and Clover and I both fell on onto our backs laughing. Connor thought that was great.

Monday, February 7, 2011

New Blog- New Post

Ok...for complicated technical reasons, I had to start a new blog. I am so sorry about this. I really am upset about it. So nothing much has really happened with us Coltrin bunch. We didn't do much for the Super Bowl, except invite Uncle Ian over for pizza and root beer.
Mason came home with this root beer that looks just like our molasses bottle.

Connor is off track today. He still is required (by me) to keep his reading up. I love his wonderful cozy reading position.
Well since it is winter and playing outside is not much of an option, I signed Connor up for swim lessons again. It really does break up a long boring day.

At the pool is a baby pool, which Clover is able to splash and swim while her brother is taking lessons.

So if you have my old blog "Our Moments" saved on your blog site or any other bookmark...pls change this to the new blog "Live Laugh Love".